Areas of Expertise

On-Call Sustainability Expertise:

Where 1 + 1 + 1 = > 3


Do you ever wish you could just run your new sustainability initiatives by an expert? Do you know the value of having a Sustainability Coordinator in-house, but don’t have the resources available to hire one on full-time?

Work with us on your terms, when you need us. No internal department or overhead needed.

For a manageable monthly fee, we will review new programs, assess large capital purchases, negotiate with your suppliers and vendors, and evaluate overall business operations to find all those underlying synergies to maximize the value of your sustainability dollars.

Marketing & Communications


You’ve been working on some bold sustainability initiatives, have green teams in place, and management is on board. Fantastic!

So why aren’t all your employees onboard as well? And why don’t your customers know what you’re doing and giving you that competitive edge? 

You likely have a marketing team who does exceptional work, but do they understand how to translate operational improvements into enhanced brand value?

Sustainability messaging conveys your organization’s sustainability efforts in a clear, empowering, and engaging message that is anything but greenwashing. 

GPRO Fundamentals + Operations & Maintenance Training


As a certified GPRO delivery partner, we teach your building operators and facilities managers the skills needed to integrate high-performance practices into everyday maintenance work that save money and mitigate climate change. 

GPRO is a certified Workforce Development Program. People who take the training and pass the exam have a credential they can add to their resume and can be used for LEED.

By working with GTC as your GPRO delivery partner, we tailor the training to your region, state, or city, and your sponsorship enables your branding, your people, your standards.

TRUE Zero Waste Certification & Waste Stream Management


As a TRUE Advisor, we work through your waste stream to limit the quantity of waste you bring into your organization so that you don’t foot the bill to dispose of it later.

We can guide you through the process of minimizing your waste stream, reducing risk, and help interested organizations attain TRUE Zero Waste Certification.

S-CORE: Sustainability Competency, Opportunities, Reporting & Evaluation


S-CORE is a comprehensive workshop that takes a deep dive into the organization to see what sustainability initiatives are currently in place and how sustainable the organization is, both internally and externally.

An S-CORE assessment is the backbone to any in-depth client work for those organizations seeking the to maximize their sustainability profile and business investment by implementing the recommendations from the report.

Revelations gained from this exercise identify gaps in program implementation, enables inclusive participation, and gives context and direction to ongoing strategy and financial decisions by making sure everyone is on board and using resources effectively.

Business Development


Do you have an awesome new product that is innovative and sustainable? Tell us about it!

With markets in Denver, Minneapolis, and the New York/Southern New England area, what is normal for you might be outstanding elsewhere!

Let us help you identify and capture new markets with our wide network.

Because word of mouth speaks volumes with the right introduction.

Have a project that you’d like to work with us on?
Contact us and let’s see how we can work together on it!